Johnson City Babe
Ruth Local League Website

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For Parents and Grandparents:
Thank you for allowing your son or grandson to participate in one of the best
character building recreation activities available today.
Please take a moment to be reminded of the following guidelines to keep us
working toward the same goals of bringing your teenager along the small but
important steps toward responsible adulthood.
- Rule #1 - Respect for the Game and the Individuals
Please keep your speech positive both at the park and away from the park.
Please reinforce the values of teamwork and respect for authority be it
coaches, umpires, opponents, league representatives.
Be there...
Please to the best of your ability get your player to practices and games
on time. If a situation arises, please notify the coach as early as
possible. Please also come to the games as much as is possible.
- Be a fan --- Let the Players Play --- Let the Coaches Work the
Team --- Let the Umpires Call the Game
This can be the hardest of all when you want so badly to see your boy do
his best. Please don't let the emotion of the moment affect your
judgment. All players eventually will be the victim of a poor
coaching decision or a bad call by an umpire. Please try to remember
we are working together toward a greater goal than today's game.
The main reason organized baseball is so great for developing
character is that so many things that each young man has to learn to be
successful on this team are the very same lessons they must learn to be
successful in life. Dealing with what seems like unfair treatment,
failing to meet personal expectations, bad decisions, criticism, working
as part of a team, losing, sitting on the bench, encouraging others,
winning gracefully --- all of these challenges are much better faced and
early in life.
- Playing time philosophy: Early in the season
(usually during the first 2 weeks), I will give every player at least one
opportunity to start and play the whole game. Likewise during the same
period, every player will have the opportunity to sit the bench for part of
a game. Please help me get your player to respect these decisions
which is also a critical team building process.
- After that early part of our season, the needs of the team to be
competitive will be respected and some players will have a larger share of
bench time. Team attitude is very important, so a player respecting
his role will end up contributing more to our efforts than one who cannot.
- The league minimum playing time is 3 outs in the field and 1
plate appearance per game. I will strive to consistently achieve
twice or more than this amount in order to see that every player shares in
our results.