
Johnson City Babe Ruth Local League Website



Left to Right (back row): 

Josh Roberge, Jared Reyes, Dylan Day, Hunter Tester, Mitchell Wilber, Josh Ramsaran, Justin Wiseman

(front row):  Connor Williams, Colin Ice, Gabe Hirsch, Zac Hollifiled, Jordon Dugger, Wesley Smith


15 Year Olds


              #10 Dylan Day                          #3 Zachary Hollifield    



              #2 Jared Reyes                        #1 Josh Roberge

14 Year Olds


           #15 Jordon Dugger                    #16  Josh Ramsaran        



        #5 Hunter Tester                           #12 Mitchell Wilber                       



       #14 Justin Wiseman

13 Year Olds                                                                                                                                                                                                   


             #7 Gabriel Hirsch                               #17  Colin Ice            



           #8 Wesley Smith                               #24 Connor Williams


The expenses of fielding a Youth Baseball team are insurmountable without the generous support of league sponsors such as Chaparral.  If you happen to be in the market for a new vehicle, or you for any reason stop by the dealership, please thank them for their support of these young men of Johnson City.
Parents and Grandparents
Parents please click through to read more about how you can work with the team coaches to make Babe Ruth Baseball the best experience possible for both you and your teenager.
Biographical and experience information about the Chaparral coaching staff.